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MSC-certified Greenland halibut from West Greenland

Royal Greenland now offers MSC-certified halibut

Royal Greenland is proud to offer MSC certified Greenland halibut from the offshore fishery in West Greenland that was certified sustainable by the MSC in 2018.

Product catalogue!

Product catalogue!

View our MSC-certified halibut products here

The range of MSC-certified Greenland halibut, which is being launched on an ongoing basis, comprises natural Greenland halibut skinless fillets as well as cold and hot-smoked Greenland halibut fillets and portions.

Our MSC-certified Greenland halibut are caught offshore in West Greenland in the open seas with large trawlers. After being caught, the Greenland halibut are frozen and shipped to one of Royal Greenland’s factories along the coast where they are filleted and packed. 

Greenland halibut is regarded as a real delicacy. It has snowy-white meat, a sweet and buttery umami taste and a soft and delicious texture. Greenland halibut can be eaten in a myriad of ways with many different side dishes, and as a starter or main course or as a buffet dish.

MSC certification is one way of being sustainable, but at Royal Greenland we also do much more. For example, we are constantly striving to use as much of the fish and shellfish we catch as possible. Therefore, on average we use as much as 90 per cent of the Greenland halibut, as only the skin and bones are discarded.

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