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Hot smoked halibut with crispy herbs and dried fish

Hot smoked halibut with crispy herbs and dried fish

  • Greenland halibut
  • Smoked & gravad
  • Hot-smoked
Time:30 min.
Time:30 min.


300 g Royal Greenland halibut
Salt and sugar
Little smoke sawdust
A handful of green lentils
Cotton for growing
the lentils
12 pearl onions
12 small radishes
1 cucumber
250 g Cream Cheese
1 tbls Creme fraiche 38%
A little dried fish


The Greenland halibut is complimented well by spices due to its sweet and slightly fatty taste. Try using cabbage, spinach or pickled mushrooms to add a little crunch

Cooking instructions

Soak the lentils in water overnight and spread them out on a piece of cotton. Let them sit a couple days until they start to sprout.

Sprinkle fish with salt and sugar and leave to soake/marinate in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

Place a little smoke saw dust in the bottom of a smoking kettle and place the fish with a little distance to the saw dust. Fire up the saw dust in the smoker and let it burn for a few minutes until the fish has taken the taste of the smoke. Take up the fish and bake in the oven if necessary. Let the fish cool to room temperature.

Peel the onions, wash the radishes and make 12 balls from the cucum¬ber. Steam the vegetables in sepa¬rate saucepans with a little seawater and butter.

Stir cream cheese and crème fraiche together and use a piping bag or a plastic bag for portioning.

Place the tempered halibut on a plate, serve the vegetables on top and fill the gaps with cream cheese. Pick the sprouts you need at the base so that the lentil shell and a bit of the root is visible. “Plant” the sprouts in the cheese so they stand up and sprinkle with grated dried fish to make it look like newly fallen snow. Serve at once.


The Greenland halibut is complimented well by spices due to its sweet and slightly fatty taste. Try using cabbage, spinach or pickled mushrooms to add a little crunch

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