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Fish fillets with deconstructed remoulade

Fish fillets with deconstructed remoulade

  • Plaice
  • Flounder
  • Convenience
Time:20 min.
Time:20 min.


10 pieces of plaice or flounder in breadcrumbs
3 carrots
1 stick (rib) of celery
1 beetroot
1 cauliflower
1 red onion
1 bulb of fennel
1 tbsp curry powder
200 ml sunflower oil
50 g capers
½ bunch of dill
½ bunch of parsley
Salt and pepper

Cooking instructions

Thinly slice all the vegetables using a mandoline or slicer, and then place them in cold water to make them extra crispy.

Toast the curry powder lightly in a hot pan and add the oil, allow it to simmer briefly and then sieve out the curry powder. Drip all the excess oil from the vegetables and turn them in the curried oil and capers. Place the mix in a dish.

Fry the fillets according to the directions on the pack.

Place the warm fillets on top of the "remoulade" and garnish with plenty of dill and parsley. Serve with toasted rye bread.

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