2 pcs 8 oz Patagonian toothfish
a few pcs. Romanesco
a few pcs. Yellow cauliflower
2 Baby carrots
1/4 Kohlrabi
1 tbsp. Capers
1-2 tbsp. Butter
1 Candy Cane Beet
some Eatable flowers for decorating
Cooking instructions
Peel the candy cane beet and slice on a mandolin, place the slices in ice-cold water to keep the candy beet crudité crispy.
Cut the Romanesco and cauliflower in smaller pieces, no bigger than the size of a tablespoon.
Use a Parisienne iron to cut balls out of the kohlrabi.
Clean the baby carrots and prepare all vegetables on a pan.
Heat some butter on a pan and let it slightly change to a darker golden brown before adding the portion of Patagonian toothfish.
This 'browned butter' will give a nuttier and stronger taste.
Let the Patagonian toothfish fry and when turning the fish around add a tablespoon of capers to the pan (this might sizzle for a bit).
When the fish feels firm, but flaky when adding a bit of pressure on it, then the fish is done.
Place all ingredients gently with all the bright colours facing up.