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A box is an exclusive packaging that presents itself nicely in the freezer space. 

Boxes come in many different sizes and formats, and with the solid facing it can help position the product just right.

Why choose box packaging?

  • Solid packaging that doesn't break
  • Displays the brand design well
  • FSC certified, carton from sustainable forestry

Differentiate the box

The box packaging allows for creativity in expressing the right brand values. The solid facing gives opportunity for a beautiful design where e.g. adding a window to show a peak of the product inside can give an exclusive product display.

Examples of box packaging

Scroll through some examples from our brand universe.

Upright box with window. Inside vacuum pack.

Horisontal and vertical design - front and back - for multiple spacing options

Horisontal and vertical design - front and back - for multiple spacing options

Vertical box w. window

Wooden look and window

Wooden look w. window, horisontal

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Upright box with window. Inside vacuum pack.

See also

Read more about Chain-pack