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Full-range roe assortment


Royal Greenland is a vertically integrated supplier of lumpfish roe, with direct access to quality raw material and own production in Greenland as well as in Germany, ensuring traceability from catch to consumer and very high levels of food safety.

Royal Greenland offers two types of lumpfish roe products – fresh, natural roe, packed in tubs or trays and frozen as well as salted and preserved roe sold chilled in jars. Both based on raw material from Western Greenland. 

When the small-scale fishermen deliver their catches at the factory, the temperature and freshness is immediately checked and the barrels with fresh roe are taken to cooling storage ready for processing. During the fishing season the factories are fully staffed in both weekends and holidays to receive and process the fishermen’s catches as quickly as possible. The fresh roe is simply cleansed, lightly salted, packed in tubs of 100 or 225 g before being frozen.

The natural frozen roe is processed within 24 hours after catch ensuring a 100% fresh and ready-to-eat product. As opposed to many other lumpfish roe products on the market, neither colourings nor other additives are added. This ensures a deliciously clean and natural flavour. We recommend that the roe is defrosted slowly in refrigerator, rinsed in cold water and salted to the preferred taste. – leaving the end user in control of the salt content.

Pasteurized roe

Royal Greenland also offers pasteurized lumpfish roe sold chilled and ready to use straight from the jar. In Greenland, the cleaned roe is placed in barrels and brined for storage and shipment to Royal Greenland's roe factory in Cuxhaven Germany.

At the specialized roe factory, the roe is de-salted and the quality and freshness is checked once again. After this, it is possible to add colouring and flavour depending on customer wishes and the roe is packed in glass jars. The sealed jars are control weighed and pasteurized in order to guarantee 100% food safety. Before being packed in master cartons the jars are put through glass and metal detectors to avoid foreign bodies. 
The assortment contains a wide range of AZO free colours that can be adapted to customer specifications as well as the option of adding flavours such as wasabi or smoke.

Next news: Tiny pearls bursting with flavour